Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another Justice Ginsburg?

Oppose Sotomayor

July 9, 2009

Dear [real name removed],

A few days ago, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg gave a very frank interview to the New York Times in which she stated that,“frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

In other words, Justice Ginsburg felt the sanctioning of government-funded abortion was appropriate as a population-control measure. It’s appalling to realize that these comments aren’t from a eugenicist like Margaret Sanger, but from a sittingSupreme Court Justice.

Her comments paint a picture of the real impact the U.S. Supreme Court has on the lives of the most innocent among us, whether that be the unborn or other “undesirables” in society.

On Monday, the U.S. Senate will begin the confirmation process for President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

Given what we know about Sonia Sotomayor’s own judicial philosophy, including her support of policymaking from the bench, we must oppose her appointment to the United States Supreme Court.

Click here to contact your Senators today and tell them to oppose Judge Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

Sonia Sotomayor’s record of support for judicial activism and her work for the pro-abortion Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund offer little comfort that she will be a friend to the unborn on the Supreme Court.

While Sotomayor served as a board member of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund, the group filed six briefs with the court advocating for unmitigated abortion on-demand. Multiple accounts tell us that the board closely monitored the fund’s work, and that Sotomayor was “an involved and ardent supporter of their various legal efforts.” (New York Times, May 28, 2009)

This suggests a troubling record of disregard for the rights of the unborn, which Judge Sotomayor has admittedly not thought about.

Please stand up for the unborn boys and girls today and tell your Senator to oppose Judge Sotomayor’s nomination.

Thank you for your continued defense of the unborn boys and girls!

For Life,

Marjorie Dannenfelser
Susan B. Anthony List President

P.S. Please consider supporting the work of the Susan B. Anthony List with a donation today. Click here to help us fight for Life on Capitol Hill!

P.P.S. For the latest in Pro-Life News follow the SBA List on and on YouTube

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